Wednesday, January 30, 2008

college so far..

hey girls!! seems that everyone is too busy to update..
but we can't leave this blog dead!!
so here i am.. hehe..

it has been 3 weeks since college started..
times flies huh?
received my AS results last monday..
didn't do quite well though..
CBAA for Thinking Skills, Bio, Chem and Maths..XD

how about you, Danusha?
i believe you fared well.. am i right?

can no longer resit for any of the papers..
cos the dateline is today.. so yeah..
have to work harder and smarter if i want straight A's!

i haven't actually used any techniques we learned..
cos i have no idea how to use them with my syllabuses..
it seems complicated, too many important points..
did any of you attempted the techniques? *wonders*

and the process universities' application is tiring..
have been waiting for months and yet no reply from 2 of them!
gonna submit the next 2 applications tomorrow..
so last minute.. hehe.. but that's just me..=P

oh btw, i have added Nicole's and my blog links in here..
you all are always welcome to pay a visit.. =)

miss ya all.. and do update SOON!! *hugs*

Sunday, January 6, 2008

1st post of the year?

why nobody updated anything? too busy? *wonders*

i cut my hair few days ago..
like shorter by the length of one whole palm of mine!
no pictures, lazy to post.. so wait till we meet up..=P

had my first driving lesson this afternoon..
freaky experience but quite enjoyable..
the moment i stepped out of the driver's seat
my legs practically vibrated!!

weird huh?
i think my instructor had a heart-attacking 2-hour tour!
hopefully i can get my licence real soon..=)

school term has started.. college starting soon..
but i am still in a holiday mood.. haha..
have fun ya all! *hugs*